A short post about how ON_CALL and EXPECT_CALL can complement each other. It is worth remembering that EXPECT_CALL does not “override” behaviors defined by ON_CALL. Both of these macros can be used simultaneously on the same mock.

ON_CALL - defines the default action for a mocked function, e.g.

ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(1)).WillByDefault(Return(11));

ON_CALLs can override each other. The one that was defined last will be matched. For example:

ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(_)).WillByDefault(Return(999));
ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(1)).WillByDefault(Return(111));

myMock.myMethod(1); // 111
myMock.myMethod(2); // 999

ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(_)).WillByDefault(Return(123));

myMock.MyMethod(1); // 123

Above, the placeholder _ was used, which matches any argument. It is also possible to use only the function name to define the default action for all its calls:

ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod).WillByDefault(Return(999));

This notation will work provided that the function name myMethod is not overloaded.

EXPECT_CALL - defines an assertion that must be met for the test to pass, e.g.

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myMethod(4)).WillRepeatedly(Return(44));

Above, an assertion was defined that the myMethod function must be called with the argument 4 and if it happens, return 44.


Both of these macros can complement each other.

ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(_)).WillByDefault(Return(999));
ON_CALL(myMock, myMethod(1)).WillByDefault(Return(111));
EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myMethod(1));
EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myMethod(2));

myMock.myMethod(1); // 111
myMock.myMethod(2); // 999

In this way, you can separate assertions from actions taken by mocks. It doesn’t always make sense, but it’s worth remembering that you can do it.

See also