How this blog was created
It is now standard for me to open each of my new blogs with a post about how they came to exist. I already have at least 5 blogs behind me, each built on a different technology. This time I decided to use Hugo.
Why Hugo?
First of all, Hugo is trivial to use. Simply download the file Hugo.exe and run it in the appropriate folder:
$ hugo
And that’s it, the site will build itself. Without setting up a server locally (WordPress) or installing Ruby (Jekyll).
I don’t even use themes/
. I simply put down the simplest possible styles in CSS and slightly adjusted the base Hugo template.
A Light and dark theme
Probably the most advanced feature I’ve implemented is the ability to select a light and dark theme. Simply click 🌞 at the top of the page to switch to the dark theme. While in the dark theme, the icon will change to 🌚.
The theme information is stored in the localStorage of your browser. 💪
No more complex pages. All that matters here anyway is the content and clarity. For that, you don’t need anything more than Hugo.
What do you think? Share your opinion in a comment below.
Oh right, this page has no comments. 😅